Tuesday, November 20

I should

I realized tonight that two words that bounce around in my brain too much are "I" and "Should"

I should make my bed in the morning
I should clean my desk
I should finish editing the 1700
I should develop that roll of film
I should buy and hang adult curtains
I should do laundry
I should clean my bathroom bathmat
I should floss more
I should stop leaving spare change in places other than my spare change mug and old glass milk bottle
I should fix or get rid of my retro ipod
I should stop wasting energy by having both computers on at the same time
I should unpack my bag
I should get on a regular sleep schedule
I should dust
I should fix my car
I should sell my car
I should spend more time outside
I should stop censoring myself
I should learn to spell
I should worry less about money
I should worry more about money
I should vacume the livingroom
I should organize my trunk
I should edit my cousin's wedding video
I should finish my palahniuk book
I should netflix movies that don't suck
I should wear khakis tomorrow
I should work out more
I should talk on the phone more
I should deposit money into my savings
I should print on both sides of the page
I should get gloves
I should buy, fill, and hang picture frames
I should stop eating cheese and crackers right before bed
I should better stay in touch
I should buy a washer and dryer
I should continue to wonder about forks in the road
I should get toothpaste
I should care more, like stephen davis
I should learn to fly
I should go home more often
I should be a better boyfriend
I should go on a brewery tour
I should snowboard more this winter
I should paste and sand the nail holes in the walls
I should buy a convertible
I should read more blogs
I should check the mail
I should continue to love cheddar chex mix
I should read a good book
I should read the good book
I should volunteer
I should rank my top 5 songs
I should rank my top 5 breakfast cereals
I should learn how to make pancakes
I should share my blog with more people
I should be earning more by now
I should travel
I should learn to play drums
I should learn to play base
I should skydive again
I should go 100%
I should buy a good computer chair
I should get an internet connection to my PC
I should learn dreamweaver and illistrator
I should not be working on thanksgiving
I should have visited mr and mrs J more
I should throw away my yellow pages
I should organize the trunk of my car
I should hold better eye contact
I should get a haircut on a more regular basis
I should email matt back
I should send more facebook notes
I should be a better planner
I should not go grocery shopping hungry
I should cook for people more often
I should bite someone short
I should get those environmentally sound lightbulbs
I should return those dvds
I should turn on the TV less
I should stop biting my nails
I should be a better talker
I should be a better listener
I should make up my mind
I should get ride of all those old tee shirts
I should be more like kurt
I should order new checks
I should get a physical
I should get physical
I should be more social
I should seriously cheddar chex mix rules
I should be a professional.
I should get politically informed
I should get high
I should see more plays
I should write more
I should activate my credit card
I should deactivate my old debit card
I should stop cracking my knuckles
I should take more pictures
I should fully embrace going gray
I should take a multivitamin
I should buy a wok
I should eat the food i have at home
I should bring dinner to work
I should stretch
I should try spinning
I should stop hating ironing
I should whiten my teeth
I should make a to do list
I should think more
I should eat thai soon
I should like blond on blond
I should go to bed
I should stop blogging
I should brush my teeth
I should come up with a clever ending
I should reverse the order of these words
Should I?

Tuesday, November 13

My Gexistence

For my second post of the week, I thought I would self Google my name, and see what happens.

So here I go. I'm going to put my name in quotation marks so the results aren't all over the place... damn you Sarah Brightman!

First result - my 501 Blog, ever been there? How twilight zone, a Blog about a search about a Blog about a search about a Blog about a search about a....

Second result - Waxing. James' Blog, specifically regarding the outline for our paper, no surprise there.

Third result - CHART, a video production company in Charleston, SC where I used to freelance and was eventually on the production staff. A little outdated, but makes sense.

Forth and fifth results - Race times from road races I did out west. I suppose this could be useful for those who are serious runners and want to track their times, but I just did them for fun, and never really looked at the clock. Its been a few years, I wonder if these times will stay online forever?

Next result - This site has a newspaper article in which I was quoted. A controversial, and great professor David Marshall got into some hot water after showing some porn in class. What a surprise! I was asked to give an interview by a reporter and she used a quick line. I stand by what I said and support Dr. Marshall and his teaching habits.

Next - A my space page of my great friend Jordon Cox, and by far my favorite result so far. Miss you Jor-Cor.

Next - Another quote from the Dave Marshall controversy, this one just makes me look lazy.
"I was a little relieved because I don't have to do the work," ohh well, can't win them all.

Last, but not least, is a word document which is a schedule for the Carolina Communication's Conference in which a paper I wrote was presented on my behalf (I was on the other side of the Country). True? yes, relevant, no not really, but I suppose any professional publication is good publication.

Overall this process was interesting, some blasts from the past and some duds, but I feel better knowing what's out there.

For 502 I am creating a personal website, and hopefully a year from now it will be the top result when I self Google, but we'll see.

What about you? Any interesting results when you self google?

Please wait while we tally your results....

Your search for "Trevor's Reaction Blog" yielded the following results:

Displaying 1-10 of 9420

1. History
Who knew? I think the history of search engines is a lot like toothpicks. We use them all the time, and expect them to work for us, but don't really question where they come from or whose hard work went into this genius convenience. But week's reading, the futuristic and draft draft draft version of Halavais' Search Engine Society: Search Engines, Search Divides, Social Search takes us on a journey allllll the way back to those flannel wearing 1990's when the world wide web became to big to remain unsearchable. Why is it important to know about the history of cyber search? To understand how they work, of course, but also to better find what we are looking for, improve upon the current systems, and predict future trends.

2. Academics
Vertical search is discussed in this weeks reading, specifically Google Scholar. I became aware of Google Scholar a short time ago while starting the research process with my partner James. Between now and then I have used the engine about 4 or 5 times, and I would say that I am simultaneously impressed and disappointed. I'm impressed that Google has taken there grade A ease and familiarity into the academic sphere, and the overall user experience I had was good, however I feel the results left something to be desired. This could be because I'm still new to Scholar, however Halavais expresses the importance of search engines' ability to meet the expectations of the user, and in that area I feel there is still much room for improvement.

3. Democracy
We hear it all the time. The rich are getting richer, the busiest blogs are getting busier, and the best way to be popular is....well, to be popular. It makes sense that the higher you are on a search results page, the more visitors you'll get to click on your site, but as we learned earlier in this course, a phenomenon coined The Long Tail has impacted how we thing about diversity and importance. Do current search engines fuel the huge spike at the top of the curve, limiting our exposure to less popular sites? I don't know about you, but if a site isn't on the first 3 pages of Google's results page, I'm not going to see it. Does that bias affect the democratic process? Is it fair? Or is it simply a necessary byproduct of the Internets explosion of popularity?

4. One radio station
I don't drive to much, but whenever I do I listen to the radio. I have 5 presets that I switch between, and I'm never on one more that 15 or 20 minutes. The way I see it, as I'm sure many others do, diversity is good, different genres keep things interesting, and you never know what you'll you hear if you keep an open mind (and ears). Could this also be true of search engines? I use Google as a general search engine exclusively, and most of the time I am pleased with my results. But could the argument be made that I am putting blinders on to other websites and results queries by sticking to Google? Am I essentially listening to one radio station everyday?

5. Spell check
To me, Google is more than just a search engine, its a top notch spell check. Part of my job involves writing and displaying names which are often times nearly impossible to spell right on the first try, and countless times I have opened up a browser, typed those all too familiar 10 characters, and made certain the V comes before the R in Favre or the proper spelling of Bengals' WR Houshmandzadeh.

6. Fact check
Along with spell check, I use search engines as a quick fact check. But that brings up the question, what is truth? For example, you have a hunch that orange juice promotes healthy fingernails, and your Google search reviles websites you find credible which confirm this assumption, does that make it true? In this way it could be argued we have the power to distribute existing knowledge, but also to promote false knowledge. This is a phenomenon we need to be aware of as communication scholars, and as members of society.

7. Speed is King
If you could chose between a search engine that was fast and a search engine that was slow, but provided better results, which would you chose? The Internet age is one of impatience, and if a site is slow to load, often times its as good as not being there at all. Has the demand for speed compromised search engine's quality of results? Will this ever be changed?

8. Speed is not King, Google is King
This week's readings mention Google as the premiere general purpose search engine, will they/could they/should they be trumped? No I'm not suggesting The Donnald get into the search engine game, rather I ask if you can imagine an Internet without the familiar blue, red, yellow, green and white monster? Indeed it would take an Enron style catastrophe to put a dent in Google's empire, but as we all know nothing lasts forever, so I wonder who will be the next king of the search mountain?

9. What about me?
A search is comprised of entering keywords, and hitting enter. So what happens when you enter the most intimate and private keywords (your name) into arguably the most public sphere ever created? Self-googling. <---- Ironic, this link is the first result on Google when you search for "self googling", and is centered around this week's author, social architect Alex Halavais. Is this an invasion of privacy, or a liberating forum for self promotion and expression? My next post will focus more on the idea of self-googling, but any examination of public search tools should at least acknowledge this interesting and possibly controversial subject.

10. Future
What's next? How will search improve? Geographically specific searches are being developed, as well as the expansion over vertical search functions for specific fields, how will these affect our day to day lives? How will the addition of an ever-increasing number of photos and videos on the net be searchable? Could there be an algorithm which systematically scans or crawls frames of video or pixels in a photo, determining their potential relevance to a curious and inquiring user? With more and more of our life being centered around the web and sharing, will we want to limit the power of search, or grow it?

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A Thaumaturgical Compendium
Things Alex finds to be magical;
many in fairly superficial ways

Wednesday, November 7

Mobile post sent by TrevorJ using Utterz Replies.  mp3

Tuesday, November 6

Mobile post sent by TrevorJ using Utterz Replies.  mp3

Mobile post sent by TrevorJ using Utterz Replies.  mp3

Mobile post sent by TrevorJ using Utterz Replies.  mp3

Mobile post sent by TrevorJ using Utterz Replies.  mp3

Mobile post sent by TrevorJ using Utterz Replies.  mp3

Mobile post sent by TrevorJ using Utterz Replies.  mp3

Mobile post sent by TrevorJ using Utterz Replies.

Mobile post sent by TrevorJ using Utterz Replies.

Mobile post sent by TrevorJ using Utterz Replies.

Mobile post sent by TrevorJ using Utterz Replies.

Mobile post sent by TrevorJ using Utterz Replies.

Mobile post sent by TrevorJ using Utterz Replies.

Mobile post sent by TrevorJ using Utterz Replies.

Sunday, November 4

What if you could remember everything?

One of this weeks articles for class set off an atomic bomb of questions, comparisons, and thoughts in my mind, and dozens of notes along the margins of the print out. Gemmell, J., Bell, G., & Lueder, R. (2006). MyLifeBits: a personal database for everything. Communications of the ACM, 49(1), 89-95. According to their website, "MyLifeBits is a lifetime store of everything." Do you buy it?

On the Record.
The article, which described the theory and practice of recording the human experience as much as possible, I found fascinating. Recording conversations, location, photos and video, contact information, and even bodily activities and performance. I do believe however, that their intended goal, is unrealistic and unattainable. More on that later.

My Mega Pixel Day.
Almost 2 years ago I was living and working in Seattle, and I decided I wanted to document a single, random day through pictures. Soon after I woke up, I took a picture, and about every hour for the rest of the day I did the same. It was a typical day, I with going to gym, breakfast, work, lunch, work, meetings, phone calls, dinner, out with friends to watch March Madness. The pictures alone weren't particularly great, together in a sequence they where intended to paint a broader picture. Here is March 23rd, 2006:

At the time I didn't even know lifelogging existed. But I did know I had a digital camera, and this could be a cool way to create a sort of a time capsule, to be looked back upon in the distant future. Little did I know they would come in handy for my QU Intro class blog :)
So why?
Why do we do it? Why do we have the desire to capture, document, and share? One could make the argument its in our nature. Story telling and communication are hard wired into our psyche, and now we have the tools to capture bits of information at incredible rates, and on the horizon are infinite possibilities.

A Blockbuster Shelf.
Reading this article made me feel like I was walking down the isle of a movie rental store, looking at random titles. Some you've heard of, some maybe not.

Being John Malkovich
If you could be feel what someone else feels, see what they see, taste what they taste, how could you tell the difference between them and you?
The Final Cut
Who would, who should, who could, have access to your recorded memories? What would they find? What about after we die?
The Matrix
If memories can be recorded, can they be imported? "I know Kung Fu"
"Will I lie to myself to be happy? In your case Teddy... yes I will. " Sometimes we don't want to know the "truth", our versions are much more convenient.

The way I see it, your damned if you do, your damned if you don't.

Why is it unrealistic and unattainable to attempt to record "everything"? Because you'll never be able to record enough, and if you do, your recording too much. Let me explain.
The discus field.
In high school I threw for our track and field team. During some down time at practice one day an upperclassman and I were talking and he asked me, "wouldn't it be cool if humans had the ability to recognize and be able to identify every single blade of grass individually?" This is an extreme example of course, but think about it. How many millions upon millions of things do we encounter everyday, but ignore because they serve no purpose to our day to day lives? We could take an hour walk in the woods and literally see millions of trees, leaves, grass, rocks, dirt, moss and animals, but perhaps one single flower catches our attention, and evokes an emotional response. For that one in a million, do we need to record each and every individual element? Will that ever be possible? (Great irony- I don't remember the upperclassman's name)
Lets think smaller.
A newspaper is on the kitchen table. You walk past and look at a picture on the front page of someone you think looks like your friend. You get a muffin, you walk away.
Your called to jury duty. During the selection process your asked, "Do you know anything about John v Doe?" You say no, you've never heard of it. The prosecutor gets access to your visual history file, and pulls up 9 am last Tuesday. It turns out, moments before you got breakfast you glanced at the daily paper which displayed a headline and feature article on the case. Your called a liar, and sent home. My point is this, not everything we encounter we remember, not by a long shot.
Classic example. And if we do record everything we encounter, we're not accurately recording everything we remember. Either way, we've got problems.

Earlier in this course Willow said "when you see the Taj Mahal in moonlight it brings you to your knees." We can take pictures, we can take notes, video and heart beats-per-minute ratings, but I don't think we could ever capture what she felt right then. Not from the outside of our skulls anyway. Until we better understand how the brain works, how it functions, records, and observes, we won't be able to record "everything." And if we ever do figure that all out, The Matrix may not seem so far fetched after all.


An easy to use mobile blogging site http://www.utterz.com
Jim Gemmell's Site - http://research.microsoft.com/~jgemmell/
Gordon Bell's Site http://research.microsoft.com/~gbell/

Friday, November 2


The following is an annotated bibliography for the white paper James and I are working on.

Chambers, J. (2005). The Sponsored Avatar: Examining the Present Reality and Future Possibilities of Advertising in Digital Games. Retrieved on October 26, 2007. http://www.digra.org:8080/Plone/dl/db/06278.01541.pdf

This paper examines the practice of advertising within the space of digital games. Additionally it anticipates the future development of advertising within the interactive entertainment spaces. A future that holds possibilities as varied as actual game sponsorship, product placement and brand integration within games, or cross promotional opportunities between digital games and other forms of entertainment media. The author seeks neither to neither bury nor praise the practice, but to offer a careful and reasoned examination. Given the similarity between videogames and movies this research synthesis incorporates analysis of advertising placement within those genres with limited processing theory to propose a placement model for digital games. The analysis includes the perspective of advertisers, game publishers and designers, and end user consumers. This work finds that currently there are multiple approaches to in-game advertising, but that it is an accepted practice by end user consumers. An agenda for future approaches is also offered.

Svahn, M. (2005). Futur-proofing advergaming: a systematization for the media buyer. Retrieved on October 26, 2007. http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1109210

The idea of using games as carriers for goal-oriented strategically shaped rhetorical messages, i.e. advertising and propaganda, has been much talked about. Those who produce games take an interest in such messages as a way to find new revenue streams and new customers. Media strategists are interested in finding the audiences that are leaving traditional media and turning to games. It could be fruitful for media strategists and game producers to meet, but as the meaning of the term advergaming is becoming diluted, that meeting is becoming difficult. This paper is an attempt to facilitate such a meeting by giving an overview of the planned rhetorical functions of ludic activities. This will hopefully lead to a structure of concepts useful to the scientist as well as to the practicing communications strategy planner.

Chaney, J. (2004). The Effect of Billboards within the Gaming Environment. Retrieved on October 26, 2007. http://www.websm.org/uploadi/editor/Chaney_Lin_2004_Billboards.doc

Players from all demographic groups are spending more and more of their leisure time playing multiplayer online games. As such, the gaming environment may be a more suitable vehicle to reach target markets. This study assessed whether advertising in the form of embedded billboards has an impact on the online gamer. Even though they could recall passing the billboards many of the players could not recall the names of either the products or the brands after the gaming session. This was possibly due to the immersive nature of the game with peripheral details not fully registering. The embedded billboards within the game had very limited impact on either the enhancement of the game experience or on product purchase intentions.

Han, S., Cho, M. M, Choi. (2005). Ubitem: A Framework for Interactive Marketing in Location-Based Gaming Environment. Retrieved on October 26, 2007. http://csdl2.computer.org/persagen/DLAbsToc.jsp?resourcePath=/dl/proceedings/&toc=comp/proceedings/icmb/2005/2367/00/2367toc.xml&DOI=10.1109/ICMB.2005.108
Mobile game and advertising are evolving rapidly and becoming the key of mobile contents market. More powerful mobile devices have enabled the creation of better and richer mobile games and advertising. This paper proposes a framework, called Ubitem, which addresses many of the issues that are characteristic of mobile gaming and advertising. Ubitem facilitates time and location-sensitive, interactive marketing by enabling users with the location-aware technology capability to collect nearby items such as m-coupons and redeem the items in the close participating stores. We believe that mobile advertising within location-based gaming will most likely enable much richer entertaining experiences as well as the advertisers get superior responses from the users by linking a virtual game play and real-life action.

Wolf, M. (2002). The Medium of the Video Game. Retrieved on November 1, 2007. http://books.google.com/books?id=lKZriBxbcwQC&printsec=frontcover&dq=The+Medium+of+the+Video+Game&sig=KyOMPdvC_3-z58pMR2G35ikPOQ8

Duke, M. (2006). In Game Advertising: Touching the Elusive Consume. Retrieved on October 26th, 2007. http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1178863

Consumers are bombarded with more and more advertising, while traditional media such as TV and radio become more and more fragmented, the challenge of reaching the consumer gets harder and harder. Consol and video games are a media that does not suffer from user 'switch off' or channel hopping and if carefully integrated advertisers can link in with games that match a brand and connect to other channels such as billboards, mobile phones and even retail locations. The process of in game advertising is a sophisticated one that offers advertisers a clear segment to advertise to and a water tight mechanism of measurement and return (two elusive items in the fast changing world of advertising). The session will look at In Game Advertising - Touching The Elusive Consumer -- with examples from across the globe.

Shankar, V. Bayus, B. (2002). Networked ETWORK EFFECTS AND COMPETITION:
An Empirical Analysis of the Home Video Game Industry. Retrieved on November 1, 2007. http://public.kenan-flagler.unc.edu/faculty/bayusb/webpage/papers/vgames-e.pdf

Building on the Resource-Based View of the firm, we advance the idea that a firm’s customer network can be a strategic asset. We suggest that network effects are a function of network size (i.e., installed customer base) and network strength (i.e., the marginal impact of a unit increase in network size on demand). We empirically study these network effects in the 16-bit home video game industry in which the dominant competitors were Nintendo and Sega. In the spirit of the new empirical IO framework, we estimate a structural econometric model assuming the data are equilibrium outcomes of the best fitting non-cooperative game in price and advertising. After controlling for other effects, we find strong evidence that network effects are asymmetric between the competitors in the home video game industry. Specifically, we find that the firm with a smaller customer network (Nintendo) has higher network strength than the firm with the larger customer base (Sega). Thus, our results provide a possible explanation for this situation in which the firm with a smaller customer network (Nintendo) was able to overtake the sales of a firm with a larger network size (Sega). These empirical results suggest that the ultimate outcome in a competitive market with network effects is more complex than simply accepting that the firm with the largest installed customer base will always be the winner.

The following are sources that may be helpful in our research along with the above mentioned texts.

Thursday, November 1

Don't Patronize Me, Bro

How well are the presidential campaigns doing with viral video?

It's pretty simple - Bad.

In my definition viral video finds you, you don't go looking for it. I'm sure candidates are working hard and paying ludicrous amounts of money to try to create an online buzz that will spread like wildfire, but other than the Obama 1984 commercial, I haven't seen any yet.

The thing with "viral video" is, sometimes it just works, and I find attempting to create a phony buzz is patronizing to us, the viewers who make these videos so popular.

It will be interesting, however, to see what develops over the next 12 months.